Top Disability-Friendly Apps for 2023: A Comprehensive Guide
4th July 2023

Top Disability-Friendly Apps for 2023: A Comprehensive Guide

In the digital age, technology plays a crucial role in enhancing the lives of individuals with disabilities. Disability-friendly apps are designed to assist with various needs, from communication and learning to personal safety and decision-making. This article provides a comprehensive guide to the top disability-friendly apps for 2023.

Understanding Disability-Friendly Apps

Disability-friendly apps are designed with accessibility in mind, ensuring that they can be used by individuals with various types of disabilities. These apps can assist with a wide range of tasks, making everyday life easier and more manageable for individuals with disabilities.

Best App for NDIS Budgeting & Tracking: Plan Tracker

Plan Tracker is a highly recommended app for individuals who are part of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). It allows users to manage their NDIS budget, track their spending, and stay on top of their funding. Plan Tracker is available for both iOS and Android devices.

Best Apps for the Blind or Visually Impaired: Be My Eyes & Seeing AI

For individuals who are blind or visually impaired, Be My Eyes and Seeing AI are two of the top apps. Be My Eyes connects users with sighted volunteers who can assist with tasks that require visual assistance. Seeing AI is a Microsoft project that uses artificial intelligence to describe the world around the user.

Best App for Those with Hearing Impairments: Rogervoice

Rogervoice is an app designed to assist individuals with hearing impairments. It provides real-time captioning for phone calls, making it easier for users to communicate.

Best App for Those with Aphasia: HelpTalk

HelpTalk is designed for individuals with aphasia and other communication difficulties. It allows users to express their needs through a simple interface, making communication easier.

Best App for Women with a Disability to Stay Safe: Sunny

Sunny is a safety app designed specifically for women with disabilities. It provides information about violence, allows users to share their stories, and offers support.

Best App for Children Who Need Support with Decision-Making: Choiceworks

Choiceworks is an app designed to assist children who need support with decision-making, by helping them understand their daily routines and improve their patience.

Best App for Learning: Otsimo

Otsimo provides a range of educational games for children with learning difficulties, helping them to learn essential skills through play.

Best Smart Watch: Apple Watch

The Apple Watch offers a range of accessibility features, making it a great choice for individuals with disabilities. It includes features like fall detection, noise alerts, and more.


Is there an app for people with disability?

Yes, there are numerous apps designed specifically for people with disabilities. These apps cater to various needs, including communication, learning, personal safety, and decision-making. Some of the top disability-friendly apps for 2023 include Plan Tracker, Be My Eyes, Seeing AI, Rogervoice, HelpTalk, Sunny, Choiceworks, and Otsimo.

How do I make my apps disabled friendly?

Making your apps disability-friendly involves ensuring they are accessible to users with various types of disabilities. This can include implementing features such as text-to-speech for visually impaired users, captions for users with hearing impairments, and simple, intuitive interfaces for users with cognitive disabilities. It’s also important to test your app with users with disabilities to ensure it meets their needs.

What is disability friendly technology?

Disability-friendly technology refers to devices, software, and applications designed with accessibility in mind. This technology is developed to assist individuals with disabilities in performing tasks, enhancing their abilities, and improving their quality of life. This can include everything from wheelchair-friendly hardware to software applications that assist with communication and learning.