NDIS Cleaning Services: A Comprehensive Guide for Participants
3rd July 2023

NDIS Cleaning Services: A Comprehensive Guide for Participants

Living with a disability can present unique challenges, especially when it comes to maintaining a clean and healthy living environment. That’s where the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) steps in, offering support for tasks like cleaning. This article will delve into the world of NDIS cleaning, providing a comprehensive guide on what it is, who can avail it, and how it works.

What is NDIS Cleaning?

NDIS cleaning is a service provided to individuals with disabilities who are part of the NDIS. These services cover basic house cleaning and maintenance tasks, but not specialized work like plumbing or electrical repairs. The goal is to help NDIS participants maintain a clean, safe, and comfortable living environment.

The Role of NDIS in Cleaning Services

The NDIS funds ‘reasonable and necessary’ supports for people with disabilities. This includes tasks like vacuuming, dusting, and general cleaning for participants who can’t do these tasks themselves due to their disability. However, it’s important to note that the NDIS does not cover tasks that require professionals like electricians or plumbers.

Hiring an NDIS Registered Cleaner

When it comes to hiring a cleaner through the NDIS, it’s recommended to choose cleaners registered with the NDIS to ensure compliance with quality and safety requirements. Registered NDIS cleaning companies like Absolute Care & Health offer support workers who can help with maintaining a clean home and performing general cleaning duties.

The Benefits of NDIS Cleaning Services

Hiring NDIS cleaning services comes with several advantages. First, you’re guaranteed quality work from professionals who understand the unique needs of individuals with disabilities. Second, NDIS cleaning services help keep homes germ-free, reducing the risk of diseases and allergies. Lastly, hiring a company like Cleaning Corp avoids additional incidental costs for equipment or supplies.

Things to Consider When Hiring NDIS Cleaning Services

When hiring NDIS cleaning services, there are a few important things to consider. First, prepare a service agreement. This is a written statement outlining how and when your services are delivered. Second, agree on a price. The fee structure must follow an hourly NDIS cleaning rate system. Lastly, check the NDIS cleaning guidelines to ensure that the service provider adheres to the price limits mentioned in the NDIS price guide.


Does NDIS cover cleaning?

Yes, the NDIS can cover cleaning services if they are deemed ‘reasonable and necessary’ for the participant due to their disability.

How to register for NDIS cleaning?

To register for NDIS cleaning, you need to be a participant of the NDIS and have cleaning services included in your plan. You can then hire a registered NDIS cleaning provider.

What is NDIS cleaning?

NDIS cleaning is a service provided to NDIS participants who need help with cleaning tasks due to their disability. It covers basic house cleaning and maintenance tasks.

Can NDIS fund carpet cleaning?

The NDIS can fund carpet cleaning if it is considered ‘reasonable and necessary’ for the participant due to their disability.

In conclusion, NDIS cleaning services play a crucial role in helping individuals with disabilities maintain a clean and comfortable living environment. By understanding how these services work, you can make the most of the support available to you or your loved ones.