Setting Goals for Your NDIS Plan: A Comprehensive Guide
2nd May 2024

Setting Goals for Your NDIS Plan: A Comprehensive Guide

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) offers a pathway to enhanced support for Australians with disabilities. The key to leveraging this support effectively lies in setting clear, achievable goals. This guide is crafted to assist NDIS participants, their families, carers, and associated professionals to set and align goals effectively within the NDIS framework.

The Importance of Goal Setting in Your NDIS Plan

Well-defined goals transform your NDIS plan from a static document into a dynamic tool that directs the support you receive, enhancing its overall impact. This process ensures your plan is meticulously aligned with your personal journey towards a more enriched and meaningful life, setting a clear direction for you and your support team on optimal resource implementation.

Exploring Common NDIS Plan Goal Categories

Understanding the various goal categories within an NDIS plan is crucial to developing a plan that mirrors your true aspirations. Here’s a breakdown of these categories:

  • Daily Living: Goals in this category aim to improve your ability to perform everyday tasks independently, covering personal care, household tasks, and more. Goals might include acquiring new skills or accessing technologies that ease these activities.
  • Independence and Community Participation: These goals support your ability to engage with the community, including social interactions, volunteering, or independent use of community resources.
  • Employment and Education: Whether it’s securing a job, furthering education, or undergoing training, this category helps participants to pursue their professional and educational goals.
  • Health and Wellbeing: Focused on enhancing physical, mental, and emotional health, goals here might involve accessing various therapies, participating in physical activities, or improving nutritional habits.
  • Housing: These goals ensure you have a safe, comfortable, and accessible living environment, which may include securing specialist accommodation or adapting existing homes.

A Multifaceted Approach to Effective NDIS Goal Setting

Translating aspirations into impactful, attainable goals requires a comprehensive strategy that encompasses several key factors:

  1. Personal Aspirations: Identifying what truly motivates and inspires you is the foundation of effective goal setting within the NDIS framework.
  2. Functional Needs: Assessing the specific supports needed for daily activities and community engagement allows for the development of goals that improve functional independence.
  3. Support Network: The strengths and availability of family, carers, and support workers are integral to achieving set goals, enhancing collaborative planning and implementation.
  4. NDIS Funding Framework: Understanding funding guidelines ensures that the supports requested are reasonable and necessary, facilitating successful goal formulation within budget constraints.

Practical Steps for Effective NDIS Goal Setting

With key factors outlined, the next step is putting this knowledge into action:

  • Articulate Your Goals Clearly: Define what success looks like in specific, measurable terms. Instead of a broad goal like improving communication skills, specify actions such as attending weekly workshops to enhance public speaking abilities.
  • Prioritise Based on Importance and Urgency: Assess which goals are most vital to your current needs and which should be addressed first to effectively manage resources and efforts.
  • Collaborate with Your NDIS Support Network: Utilise the expertise of NDIS planners or support coordinators to refine your goals, ensuring they align with both personal aspirations and program guidelines.

Embracing Your NDIS Journey with Defined Goals

Effective goal setting is crucial not just for structuring your NDIS plan but as a vital element in crafting your life’s narrative. It’s about understanding and utilising available resources to turn these aspirations into reality. With thoughtful planning and supportive collaboration, your NDIS goals can create a solid foundation for a fulfilling and independent future.


FAQs on Setting Goals for Your NDIS Plan

1. What makes a good NDIS goal?
A good NDIS goal is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). It should clearly define what you want to achieve, outline the steps necessary to get there, and align with your broader aspirations and needs.

2. How often should I review my NDIS goals?
It’s recommended to review your NDIS goals annually during your plan review meeting. However, you can request a review at any time if your circumstances change significantly or if you achieve your goals sooner than expected.

3. Can I change my goals after they are set?
Yes, your NDIS goals are not set in stone. If your needs or circumstances change, you can work with your NDIS planner to adjust your goals to better suit your current situation.

4. Who can help me set my NDIS goals?
Your NDIS planner, support coordinator, or other professionals such as occupational therapists, psychologists, or social workers can assist you in setting realistic and achievable goals. Family members and carers who understand your daily needs and challenges can also provide valuable input.

5. How do I ensure my goals align with the funding available?
To ensure your goals align with available funding, discuss your aspirations with your NDIS planner who can help you understand the funding categories and how they can be utilised to support your goals. They can also advise on reasonable and necessary supports that can be funded under the NDIS.