Understanding the Role of an NDIS Psychologist: Your Guide
14th July 2023

Understanding the Role of an NDIS Psychologist: Your Guide

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a significant initiative in Australia, designed to provide support to individuals with a permanent and significant disability. Among the various professionals involved in providing these supports, psychologists play a crucial role. NDIS psychologists provide a range of services to assist individuals in managing their mental health and achieving their personal goals.

Understanding the Role of an NDIS Psychologist

An NDIS psychologist provides therapeutic interventions and assessments using person-centred, non-invasive counselling techniques tailored to individual circumstances. They offer specialised counselling services to assist with mental health and general wellbeing, and encourage participants to engage in purposeful interaction in their daily lives.

NDIS psychologists work collaboratively with other supports to achieve common goals. For example, while an Occupational Therapist may assist by conducting functional capacity assessments, psychologists can assist additional barriers such as anxiety and improvement on social skills by developing a framework for how to respond in different social situations.

How to Access NDIS Psychology Services

For individuals with an NDIS plan, psychologists provide therapeutic supports under the line item ‘Improved Daily Living’ in the Capacity Building category. Therefore, you will need to check that your NDIS Plan covers this line item to access the service.

If you are unsure what all of the different funding categories mean in your NDIS plan, here’s a helpful article about Capacity Building. For individuals that don’t have an NDIS plan, you can also find a Psychologist privately with a quick online search. If you’re unable to afford private sessions and feel you need support, you can talk to your GP about developing a mental health care plan that will subsidise the cost of up to 10 appointments.

The Benefits of Seeing an NDIS Psychologist

Seeing an NDIS psychologist can provide expert guidance and support that allows you to improve your overall quality of life. They provide therapeutic interventions using person-centred, non-invasive counselling techniques that are tailored to your individual circumstances.

Psychologists also provide a lot of additional support to ensure you can effectively break down any barriers that may be preventing you from achieving your individual goals. This could include activities like supporting individuals with social skills, helping participants with emotional regulation, supporting the capacity to participate in social and community activities, supporting the improvement daily living skills for independence, helping manage any mental health symptoms by creating a plan, and empowering an individual’s support network.

Making the Most of Your NDIS Plan with Psychology Services

Maximising the benefits of your NDIS plan with psychology services involves several key steps. Firstly, it’s crucial to understand your plan thoroughly. This includes knowing what supports are available to you, the funding allocated for each support, and the duration of your plan.

Your NDIS plan will outline your goals and the supports that will be funded by the NDIS to help achieve those goals. It’s important to familiarise yourself with these details and to communicate regularly with your service providers to ensure that your supports are being delivered as planned.

In the context of psychology services, this could involve regular sessions with a psychologist for therapy or counselling, group programs to develop social skills, or training for your carers or support workers to better assist you. The specific supports will depend on your individual needs and goals.

Active engagement with your psychologist is also essential. This means attending your scheduled sessions, participating fully in the therapeutic activities, and communicating openly with your psychologist about your experiences, concerns, and progress. Your psychologist is there to support you, but your active involvement in the process is key to achieving your goals.

Regularly reviewing and updating your plan is another important step. Your plan will be reviewed at least every 12 months, but you can also request a review at any time if your circumstances change or if your supports are not working as they should. This could be the case if your mental health needs have changed, if you have achieved your goals and need to set new ones, or if you are not making the progress you expected.

Remember, the NDIS is there to support you, and you have the right to have a say in your supports and to receive high-quality services. Don’t hesitate to speak up if something isn’t working or if you need additional support. Find out more about making the most of your NDIS plan for mental health.

The Future of NDIS and Psychology Services

The NDIS continues to evolve to better meet the needs of individuals with mental health conditions. As we look to the future, we can expect ongoing improvements in the accessibility, quality, and range of NDIS psychology services. This progress will be driven by ongoing feedback, research, and advocacy efforts, ensuring the NDIS remains responsive to the needs of individuals with mental health conditions.


How can I access NDIS psychology services?

For individuals with an NDIS plan, psychologists provide therapeutic supports under the line item ‘Improved Daily Living’ in the Capacity Building category. Therefore, you will need to check that your NDIS Plan covers this line item to access the service.

What are the benefits of seeing an NDIS psychologist?

Seeing an NDIS psychologist can provide expert guidance and support that allows you to improve your overall quality of life. They provide therapeutic interventions using person-centred, non-invasive counselling techniques that are tailored to your individual circumstances.