NDIS Core Supports: A Comprehensive Guide to Everyday Assistance
22nd September 2023

NDIS Core Supports: A Comprehensive Guide to Everyday Assistance

The NDIS recognises specific needs and provides Core Supports that help individuals with disabilities engage in social activities, join public events, and even participate in economic ventures.


In the vast landscape of disability support, the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) stands out as a beacon of hope for many. At the heart of this scheme lies the concept of Core Supports, designed to assist individuals with disabilities in their daily lives. But what exactly are these Core Supports, and how do they function? This guide aims to shed light on these questions and more.

Understanding the Four Core Support Categories

NDIS Core Supports are categorised into four main areas, each tailored to address specific needs:

  1. Assistance with Daily Life: This encompasses tasks and activities that most people do every day. It’s about ensuring that individuals can lead a life of dignity, from personal care to household chores. More insights on this can be found in this NDIS Core Supports guide.
  2. Consumables: These are the everyday items that assist with disability. Whether it’s continence products or specific tools to aid mobility, consumables are essential.
  3. Community Participation: This focuses on helping individuals engage with their community. From social events to economic activities, it’s about ensuring everyone has a place in society.
  4. Transport: Aiding individuals in accessing public and community transport options, ensuring they can move freely and independently.

Assistance with Daily Life: What’s Covered?

The Core Support for daily life is vast and varied. It primarily revolves around activities that ensure a person’s well-being. This includes personal care, like bathing and dressing, as well as supported living for those who need assistance in maintaining an independent life. Moreover, it extends to meal preparation, home maintenance, and even assistance with complex health needs. For a more detailed exploration, you can refer to this comprehensive guide on NDIS Core Support.

Consumables: Essential Products and Assistive Technology

Consumables are more than just products; they are lifelines. From essential products like continence aids and feeding tubes to assistive technologies that make life easier, consumables play a crucial role. They are the items that individuals use regularly and need replenishing. These tools and products ensure that people have the resources they need to live their lives to the fullest, enhancing their overall quality of life.

Transport can be a significant barrier for many living with a disability. NDIS Core Supports aim to bridge this gap by providing funding for transport-related costs. Whether it’s accessing public transport, getting support for personal transport needs, or even modifications to vehicles, NDIS ensures mobility for all. With the right support, individuals can reclaim their independence and navigate their communities.

Engaging with the Community: Social, Economic, and Community Participation

Community participation is a core aspect of human life. The NDIS recognises this and provides Core Supports that help individuals with disabilities engage in social activities, join public events, and even participate in economic ventures. It’s about more than just inclusion; it’s about active participation and fostering a sense of belonging. From attending local events to joining community groups, NDIS ensures everyone has a chance to be a part of their community.

NDIS Core Supports are a testament to the commitment towards creating an inclusive society where every individual, regardless of their disability, can lead a fulfilling life. By understanding and maximising these Core Supports, individuals can truly embrace their unique abilities and participate actively in their communities.

Tips to Maximize Your Core Supports Funding

  1. Understand Your Plan: Dive deep into the details of your NDIS plan. Familiarise yourself with every aspect, from the range of Core Supports available to the specific funds you have. The more you know about your plan, the better equipped you’ll be to utilise it fully.
  2. Engage with Experts: Don’t navigate the NDIS landscape alone. Reach out to NDIS Local Area Coordinators (LACs), Support Coordinators, or even experienced members of the community. Their insights, born from experience and expertise, can guide you in making informed decisions and avoiding common pitfalls.
  3. Stay Updated: The NDIS is a dynamic system, with policies and support items frequently updated. Make it a habit to regularly check the official NDIS website or subscribe to newsletters. Attending NDIS workshops or webinars can also provide real-time updates and allow you to ask questions directly to the experts. Your local LAC office should be holding regular community information sessions
  4. Review and Adjust: As life changes, so do your needs. Whether it’s a change in your health, living situation, or personal goals, ensure your plan reflects those changes. Schedule regular reviews, and if necessary, seek adjustments to your plan to ensure it remains aligned with your current needs.
  5. Document Everything: Keep a detailed record of all your expenses, interactions, and activities related to your NDIS plan. This not only helps in tracking your funding but also provides a clear reference in case of any discrepancies or when seeking plan revisions.
  6. Explore Community Resources: Many communities have local groups or organisations that offer additional support or resources for NDIS participants. Engaging with these groups can provide valuable insights, shared experiences, and even opportunities to collaborate or pool resources.

FAQs about NDIS Core Supports

What is NDIS Core Supports?

NDIS Core Supports are foundational supports provided by the NDIS to assist individuals with disabilities in their daily lives.

What does Core Support do?

Core Supports aid in daily activities, provide essential consumables, help in community participation, and assist with transport needs.

What is the difference between Core Supports and capacity building supports?

While Core Supports focus on everyday needs, capacity building supports aim to build skills and independence in specific areas, such as employment or education.

What is Core Support for autism?

For individuals with autism, Core Supports can include assistance with daily routines, dealing with unexpected interactions, and tools or technologies that aid in communication and daily activities.

How often can I review or change my NDIS Core Supports plan?

Typically, NDIS plans are reviewed annually, however, the NDIS is increasing making this every 18 – 24 months. If there are significant changes in your circumstances or needs, you can request an unscheduled plan (or Change of Circumstance) review. It’s essential to communicate any major life changes or if you feel your current plan isn’t adequately supporting your needs.



Can I use my NDIS Core Supports funding for services outside of my local area?

Yes, you can use your NDIS Core Supports funding for services outside your local area, provided they align with your plan’s goals and are deemed reasonable and necessary. It’s always a good idea to consult with your NDIS planner or coordinator to ensure you’re using your funds appropriately and efficiently.